Here are a few pictures from our real life everyday. Elijah doing Handwriting, which is what he alway defaults to when he doesn't want to do anything else. He can write well, but only in his handwritin book apparently. :)
Josiah is doing Math. He liked it until adding and subtracting between 10 and 20 came along....
Levi is doing whatever he wants with the shapes..which happens to be playing with them like marbles. He actually likes to do school with his brothers most of the time. HE ADORES THEM!..ok, when he is not biting and punching them....

Last picture is Josiah reading to E and L. He has just started to take off with the reading thing in the past month or so...He loves the Bible A Lela and U Ian gave him, and several times read us the entire Christmas section. Next to that his favorite thing to read these days is of all things...a Lego brochure (with star wars lego pictures, a new obsession since whales and dolphins)... and the Calvin and Hobbes comics that Chad got for Christmas. His brothers get the benefit of his new enthusiasm.