Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Valentines day #2

Had more pictures I wanted to post...and can only blog 3-4 at a time for some here are some others of our valentines zoo.

Tigers and elephants, Oh my!

When we got home the kids found surprise valentines from Mamama and Papa too....with another (and quite a bit tinier) version of elephants, tigers and lions.
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Valentines day

We went to the beach for valentines day weekend (Chad had President's day off ). Here are some "tea party" pictures. The animals were invited.
We had heart cakes (in the old heart pans...remember those?) and lots of whip cream. Heart candies and chocolate. Who doesn't like hot chocolate anyway. (Though according to the kids Mamama and Papa make the best Cocoa there is).
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snow or rain

We decided to have Chad take a day off on Josiah's birthday again...last year was Soooo nice. And what else is there to do in Feburary besides snow, right?

Well, its been a warm year......It rained, and rained and was wet. BUT: We did build a snowman and snow fort, sled down a hill (a handful of times) and get outside..for about 30-60 minutes!
We learned lessons about perseverence and tried hard not to cry when our hands were wet and cold. We had Hot chocolate (in the car) and PBand J sandwiches. It was a good time, but we were glad to be home.

Wasn't like last year at all, but is was an adventure.

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Thursday, March 4, 2010


Josiah and Kaleb's 7th birthday party.
We played musical chairs and a scavenger hunt.
They read their own clues!

cupakes and cheesecake

Here is the picture we had done when they were 6 months old.
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Time Travelers

In keeping with the space theme, here are our time travelers. We are in 1400BC right now, in Eygpt. These are the helmets they have made to wear as we go through our current history book. So far it actually helps keep their interest! Food helps them sit still too. :)
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Last month we went to see OMSI's space exhibit. Josiah was the only kid tall enough to ride in the excersize space bike. It was interesting to see, and I wished I had more time to explore it myself...

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