With all the vacation stuff I blogged, don't remember blogging about Josiah's birthday. So here are a few pictures of the day we made his cake. He wanted one with a picture of the snowman he made (and became sentimentally attached to). Its name was "snowy" and the cake does look rather like the one he made. Further down you will see J in a chair next to a bear. I've been randomly taking pictures of the boys next to the bear since they were born....boy has Josiah grown!
The last picture is of Josiah and his favorite pastime...Lego making...and that is the space station. He had Dad print a picture of the real one off the computer and he made a lego-copy for a contest. He didn't win, but fortunatly he seems to be able to handle that. He is a sweet and very silly boy. Still loves his snuggles and is for the most part a very considerate and helpful older brother.

He is creative and likes to lead his brothers in all kinds of imaginary play.
I can't believe he is 8! But he promises me he won't grow up too fast. :)