Thursday, April 29, 2010

Of rain and submarines

No Pictures today, except the ones in your head...

Today is a rainy day with a few sun patches and HAIL!  SO exciting right.  We spent the morning at Bible study and then ran errands.  But the point of this is that now the kids are in the truck.  I was upstairs reading during rest time (which happens here everyday sometime after lunch).  The big hand on the clock struck the 8 which meant rest time was over.  I heard lots of noise and playing with legos then silence.  That is not a regular occurance here and I always have that nagging fear that someone has stolen my children when it happens.  So I went searching, I called and searched the house.  No one there.  Went outside, still saw no one. Happened to look at the truck and saw 3 very excited faces inside it.  With the keys!  After some debate about what they were doing and if it was permissable...I found out they were in a submarine, I believe called the Neptune.  Having more battles with thier legos.  This time underwater.  I have taken the keys and given instructions on touching nothing in the front seat (after many warnings about crashes and death that could happen.....but was then convinced that maybe the steering wheel itself was ok).  It is raining, but NO our yard is not covered in water...there is just a big black sub floating in it. 


  1. Boy, kids have a knack of being heart-stoppers! So creative. :)

  2. I can just see those happy faces bobbing up and down in the car, totally imagining the Neptune battle. Sorry about the scare though!

  3. So cute and funny!

  4. Again...... gotta love those boy children :-)
