Monday, December 13, 2010

Rainy camping pictures

Chad is known for his ability to "tarp" :) so we were somewhat dry after it go put up, but it was pouring so we didn't do too much (meaning Chad and I) besides try to keep things dry. The kids were fine, but getter wetter by the second and soon to be very cold. So there is the picture of Chad on the phone trying to find us a place to stay without having to go all the way home! It wasn't bad, just knew we couldn't last several more days like that and be pleasant at the same time.
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1 comment:

  1. Well, I just found this post :-) Love the pic with the boys and their ewoks/hats/and matching outfits. Except of course Levi's lion! Glad you have a can-do...fix-it hubby!
